Instructions to Contributors


The ILIS Journal of Librarianship and Informatics published by the Institution of Librarians and InformationScientists is a refereed scholarly journal devoted to cover the developments in library science, informationscience and information technology. The journal accepts original contributions such as research articles,review papers, library and information system designs and models and other scholarly contributions ofsimilar nature. Book reviews will be included, if copies of the books are made available.
  Submitting a paper for publication implies that it has neither been published previously nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers submitted for publication will be vetted by a panel of referees and major changes, if any, suggested are to be carried out by the authors themselves.
The length of the contributions can be up to 6000 words. There should also be an informative abstract not exceeding 200 words and a set of keywords given at the beginning. The paper generally has to comprise an introduction in which the background of the study is described, a review of earlier studies closely related to the topic, statement of objectives of the study, methodology adopted, analysis and interpretation of data, summary of findings and conclusion. Headings and subheadings in the text are to be numbered with Indo-Arabic numerals in a hierarchical sequence.
Papers for publication can be sent as Word files (MS Word) or Open Office Text files by e-mail. PDF files are not acceptable. Paper copies (A4 size, 1.5 space) are also acceptable, but should be accompanied by an e-version. Tables and illustrations should be numbered serially and accompanied by self-explanatory captions.
Bibliographical references in the papers have to be in conformity with the latest edition of the APA style manual. For works of joint authorship, names of all the authors have to be included. Author date system has to be used to indicate references in the body of the text. Full bibliographical details of the cited sources, arranged alphabetically by the surname of the author have to be given as list of references. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure the correctness of the cited documents.
The authors will be responsible for all views an opinions expressed by them in their papers. Neither the editors(s) nor the publisher can accept any responsibility in this regard.
Copyright of the papers accepted for publication will be with the publisher.
Papers may be sent as email to
The Chief Editor

Vol 6 No 2 (2023)
Vol 6 No 1 (2023)
Vol 5 No 2 (2022)
Vol 5 No 1 (2022)
Vol 4 No 2 (2021)
Vol 4 No 1 (2021)