In This Issue
M.Varghese, Chief Editor
1. Web Impact Factor Analysis of the Websites of Special Libraries in Kerala
Dr. Veerankutty Chelatayakkot & Mumthas, A. P. 07-13
2. A Bibliometric Portrait of Contributions in the Journal of Information Science:
A Study based on Performance Indicators 14-20
Vishnumaya, R. S. & Dr. B. Mini Devi
3. Librarians’ Perspectives on the Challenges in the Management
of Electronic Information Resources : A Study of the State University 21-34
Libraries in North-west Nigeria
Muhammad Nazir ; Abba Mabruka Abubakar & Aliyu Yahuza
4. Awareness and Usage of E-Databases by Faculty Members and
Library Professionals of the University of Kashmir 35-40
Sumaira Jabeen & Dr. Shabir Ahmed Ganaie
5. Awareness and Usage of E-journals by the Faculty and Students of
Sri Venkateswara Engineering College for Women, Tirupati 41-46
Kodandaramaiah Kangundi
6. Usage of WhatsApp for Information Dissemination by
Postgraduate Students of Colleges in Thiruvananthapuram 47-52
7. Information Behaviour of Scientists and Researchers of the
Kerala Forest Research Institute, Thrissur 53-62
Moncy M. Thomas & Dr. B. Mini Devi
8. A Study of Job Satisfaction among Library Professionals
in Arts and Science Colleges in Calicut, Kerala 63-72
Shabna, T. P. & Nasar, O. M.
9. Change Management and Its Relevance to the
University Libraries in Kerala 73-78
Sheeba Francis & Dr. Abdul Azeez, T. A.
10. An Investigative Study of Computer Literacy Skills of
Public Library Users in Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala 79-85
11. Higher Secondary School Libraries in Bandipora District,
Jammu & Kashmir, India : A Survey 86-90
Shafat Shafi Wani & Akib Ahmad Wani
Review Article
12 Webometric Studies : A Review of Literature 91-101
M.Varghese & Reego.M.Lawrance